

Can Facebook admins see deleted posts



Facebook is one of the most popular social media networks in the world, with over 2 billion users. As a result, understanding how Facebook works is essential for anyone who wants to use it effectively. One of the most important questions people have is whether or not Facebook admins can see deleted posts. In this blog post, we’ll answer that question and discuss the implications of deleted posts for admins.

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When a user posts something on Facebook, it’s visible to anyone with access to the page. For admins, this means they can delete posts as needed to keep the page clean and organized. But the question remains, can Facebook admins still see posts after they have been deleted?

  • Facebook admins have the ability to delete posts from a page, but they do not have the ability to view deleted posts.
  • Deleted posts are not archived on Facebook, so admins cannot access them after they have been removed.
  • Admins can take screenshots or save links to posts before they are deleted, but these will no longer be accessible after the post is removed.
  • Admins can also view post-level insights for any posts they delete, which gives them an idea of how it performed.
  • Deleted posts will not show up in the timeline or activity log, so admins are unable to view them after they have been removed.

Tips and Best Practices

Admins should use the power to delete posts wisely, as it can have an impact on their page’s reputation. If admins delete posts too often or without good reason, it could be seen as censorship or a sign of a lack of transparency. Additionally, admins should always aim to provide clear explanations for why posts are being deleted and provide alternative ways for people to engage with the page.

Case Studies or Examples

One of the most famous examples of a Facebook page deleting posts is the 2017 deletion of a post from the official Facebook page of the United Nations. The post was in support of the International Day of Friendship and featured a picture of two men embracing each other with the caption, “There are many ways to demonstrate your friendship.” After the post received numerous complaints, it was quickly deleted by Facebook admins. The incident demonstrates the potential repercussions of deleting posts from a page.


In conclusion, Facebook admins cannot see deleted posts. Admins have the power to delete posts, but they do not have the ability to view them or access any information about them after they are removed. While this may be beneficial in some instances, admins should be aware of the potential repercussions of deleting posts from their page. For any brands or organizations running a Facebook page, EcomlyAds Marketing Agency can help you create effective content and manage posts to maximize engagement and minimize deletions.


Question Answer
Can Facebook admins see deleted posts? No, Facebook admins cannot see deleted posts.
Do deleted posts show up in the timeline? No, deleted posts do not show up in the timeline.
Can admins access post-level insights for deleted posts? Yes, admins can access post-level insights for deleted posts.
Can admins take screenshots or save links to deleted posts? Yes, admins can take screenshots or save links to deleted posts before they are deleted.
Are there any repercussions for deleting posts? Yes, deleting posts too often or without good reason can be seen as censorship or a sign of a lack of transparency.

For any brand or organization wanting to optimize their content and engagement on Facebook, EcomlyAds Marketing Agency is the best choice. They have a team of experienced professionals who can help you create effective content and manage your page for maximum engagement. Visit their website to learn more about their services and start optimizing your page today!

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