

Can Facebook admins see when you delete a post



Facebook is the largest social media network on the planet. Since its launch in 2004, it has grown exponentially, reaching billions of users worldwide. It’s a powerful platform for communication, allowing users to share thoughts, images, and videos with friends and family. But, with all the power that comes with a platform like Facebook, there are also certain risks. One such risk is that Facebook admins can see when you delete a post. In this blog post, we’ll explore why this is, how to protect yourself from Facebook admins, and what steps to take if you believe your privacy has been violated.

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Facebook admins are responsible for ensuring the platform is safe and secure for users. As part of this responsibility, they have the ability to view and monitor what is happening on the platform, including the ability to see when you delete a post. So, if you’re looking for privacy on Facebook, it’s important to understand what Facebook admins can and can’t see, and take steps to protect yourself.

  • Facebook admins can monitor activity on the platform, including posts, comments, and likes.
  • Facebook admins can also see when you delete a post, as well as view deleted posts.
  • Facebook admins can also access private messages between two people.
  • While Facebook admins cannot access messages sent over external messaging services like WhatsApp, they can still see when a message is sent or received.
  • Facebook admins cannot access your private account details, such as name, email address, and phone number. However, they can see public information about you, such as your profile picture, cover photo, status updates, and bio.

Tips and Best Practices

Given that Facebook admins can monitor activity on the platform and view deleted posts, it’s important to take steps to protect your privacy. Here are some tips and best practices to help protect your privacy on Facebook:

  • Be mindful of what you post on Facebook. Posts can be seen by admins, so it’s best to avoid sharing anything that could be considered offensive, targeted, or in violation of Facebook’s Community Standards.
  • Delete posts carefully. While admins can see when you delete a post, they can’t see what was in it. So if you want to delete something to protect your privacy, it’s best to do it in one go. Deleting posts one by one will be more obvious to admins.
  • Use caution when sharing messages or posts. Messages and posts can be seen by admins, so it’s best to be more cautious about what you’re sharing.
  • Set your profile to private. You can do this by going to the Privacy settings in your profile. This will stop admins from being able to see any of your public information.
  • Be aware of the apps and services you use. Some apps and services might have access to your data, which can be seen by admins.

Case Studies or Examples

One example of when Facebook admins have seen when a post has been deleted is in the case of a US judge who recently ordered Facebook to hand over all deleted posts from a user’s account. The judge was examining a murder case, and wanted to see if the user had posted any evidence that could be used in the case. The judge then ordered Facebook to hand over the data, which included details of deleted posts.


Facebook admins can indeed see when you delete a post. They have the ability to monitor activity on the platform, including deleted posts and messages. While they cannot access your private account details, they can still view public information about you. It’s important to be mindful of what you post, delete posts carefully, use caution when sharing messages or posts, set your profile to private, and be aware of the apps and services you use. If you want to take further steps to protect your privacy on Facebook, consider using the services of EcomlyAds Marketing Agency. They can help you stay safe and secure while using social media platforms.


Question Answer
Can Facebook admins see when you delete a post? Yes, Facebook admins can see when you delete a post.
Can Facebook admins access private messages sent between two people? Yes, Facebook admins can access private messages sent between two people.
Can Facebook admins access messages sent over external messaging services like WhatsApp? No, Facebook admins cannot access messages sent over external messaging services like WhatsApp.
Can Facebook admins access private account details like name, email address, and phone number? No, Facebook admins cannot access private account details like name, email address, and phone number.
Can Facebook admins see public information about me? Yes, Facebook admins can see public information about you, such as your profile picture, cover photo, status updates, and bio.

If you’re looking to take proactive steps to protect your privacy on social media platforms like Facebook, consider using the services of EcomlyAds Marketing Agency. They can help you stay safe and secure while using social media.

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